Pamela Dussault Consulting

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Finding Calm Amidst Chaos: Nature's Soothing Influence on Crisis-Induced Anxiety

During times of crisis, the waiting game can stir up a storm of anxiety. Whether it's waiting for critical news or dealing with the uncertainties that crises inevitably bring, the pressure can be overwhelming. Yet, amidst the chaos, there's a simple yet powerful remedy – immersing ourselves in nature and syncing our rhythms with its calming flow. Supported by recent research on the mental well-being benefits of nature, this piece explores how connecting with the natural world can be a practical tool for taming anxiety in challenging times.

Understanding Anxiety in Crisis

In the face of a crisis, anxiety takes on a different shade. The constant alertness and the unknowns of the situation can send our minds into a tailspin of worry and stress. Waiting during a crisis becomes a challenging task, with the stakes seemingly higher and the need for resolution more urgent.

Connecting with Nature: A Research-Backed Approach

A recent study by the Institute of Environmental Psychology delves into the impact of nature on mental well-being, especially during stressful situations. Published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology, the study underlines the positive link between exposure to natural environments and reduced anxiety levels. This scientific backing reinforces the notion that nature can be a practical ally, even in the most trying circumstances.

My Personal Journey

During my own financial struggle, I felt completely overwhelmed by the tangible consequences of waiting, and this only intensified my anxiety. The lingering doubt about when financial assistance would actually arrive became a constant presence in my life, and the increasing pressure seemed impossible to overcome. However, it was during this challenging time that I found comfort and peace in the beauty of nature.

Observing the Therapeutic Flow

In the midst of crisis, taking a moment to connect with nature becomes crucial. Head to a quiet outdoor space, whether it's a nearby park, a garden, or any green refuge. As you immerse yourself in the natural surroundings, pay attention to the rustle of leaves, the sounds of birds, or the gentle flow of water. These natural elements operate on their own easygoing timeline, providing a welcome contrast to the urgency of crisis-induced anxiety.

Mindful Breathing in Crisis

Incorporate mindful breathing into your nature experience. Inhale deeply, taking in the revitalizing air, and exhale slowly, releasing the tension that crisis often brings. Ground yourself in the present moment by focusing on your breath, using it as an anchor amidst the storm of uncertainties. This intentional practice aligns your internal rhythm with the soothing flow of nature.

Letting Go of Control Amidst Crisis

Crisis situations intensify our desire for control. Yet, nature operates without our interference, offering a valuable lesson in surrender. As you connect with the natural world, practice letting go of the need to control every aspect of the crisis. Embrace the slower, deliberate pace of nature, allowing it to guide you through the waiting period with a sense of acceptance and resilience.


In the midst of crisis, waiting can be an arduous journey marked by heightened anxiety. However, backed by recent scientific findings, the soothing power of nature emerges as a beacon of hope. By aligning ourselves with nature's easygoing rhythms, supported by mindful breathing and a willingness to let go of control, we not only navigate waiting with greater resilience but also find solace in the present moment. So, when faced with the turbulence of crisis-induced waiting, step outside, connect with nature, and let its calming flow be your steadfast companion through uncertainty.

If you find this article helpful but would like to learn more about how to incorporate this practice to move forward in the midst of your crisis, email me at to schedule your free 20 minute consultation to discover how I can help you.